iOS Bootcamp 7th Edition
#pragma mark is proud to announce its 7th iOS Bootcamp. This edition will be hosted by Youthub Catania, in partnership with Motorsquare and will take place at Working Capital Accelerator Catania.
#pragma mark is proud to announce its 7th iOS Bootcamp. This edition will be hosted by Youthub Catania, in partnership with Motorsquare and will take place at Working Capital Accelerator Catania.
#pragma mark is proud to announce its 6th iOS Bootcamp. This edition will take place at Talent Garden, in Genova.
First “Follow up” from #Pragma Conference 2014. We’re organizing, together with our sponsors, a series of events following up the topics of #Pragma Conference 2014. We start with Microsoft, that is organizing – exclusively for the #pragma mark community – the event “iOS & Azure Lab”, at the Microsoft Innovation Campus in Milan.
#PragmaDevcamp 1st Edition è il primo evento organizzato dal gruppo #pragma mark nell’ambito dei workshop targati #pragma camp. L’incontro si svolgerà presso Talent Garden Brescia. In questa occasione verranno approfondite tematiche verticali legate mondo iOS e sarà incentivata una discussione aperta sugli argomenti condivisi.